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Albert Gallatin North Middle School

AG North Office Staff

Albert Gallatin North Middle School
113 College Avenue
McClellandtown, PA 15458
Phone: 724-737-5423
Fax: 724-737-5312 
Dr. Reams, Principal
Mrs. Duncan, Head Teacher
Mrs. Skinner,  School Counselor
Ms. Hackney, Secretary

North News

Important Information

Please click the Back to School 2020 tab for updated North return to school information.

Report Cards

All middle school report cards will be available online as of Friday, June 12th, 2020.  You may log on to your Sapphire Community Portal account and click on Report Cards.  If you are unable to log on or wish to receive a paper copy, please call the office at 724-737-5423.  Thank you and have a great summer!


Lifetouch is currently closed due to COVID-19. At this time, we do not have a date that yearbooks will be available for students. We will update you as more information becomes available.

Sapphire Community Portal

 Parents and students, please check Sapphire to stay up to date with grades.
-If the gradebook is showing a 0 that means that assignment was not turned in. You can still go back and complete this assignment.
-If the gradebook is blank, that assignment has not been graded by the teacher yet.
If you need your Sapphire log in information please contact Mr. Wilson, Ms. Redman or Mrs. Shaffer 


The North Kennywood trip for the 19-20 school year has been cancelled. If you have already paid for a ticket, you will be receiving a refund. Thank you.